Author: Mikozi Buzz

Geofrey Kapusa, well known as MR Splash has been announced dead earlier this morning after battling illness for a while. A family member has confirmed that Kapusa died this morning at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital in Blantyre, where he was admitted two weeks ago. The Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) Malawi Chapter has described the death of prominent television broadcaster Geoffrey Kapusa as a devastating blow to the media industry. In an interview, MISA Malawi Chapter Chairperson Golden Matonga has described Kapusa as one of the first television celebrities in Malawi. He adds that his death will be felt…

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Nigerian Afro-beat singer Fireboy-DML, has revealed that he once attempted to copy American superstar Beyoncé’s performance routine. He, however, said he could not keep up with copying the Multiple-Grammy Award winner. Fireboy-DML said he then decided to work on himself and did artist development to improve his stage performance. Speaking in a recent interview with Rolling Stone, he said, “Right from time, even when I used to write my saddest songs, I used to imagine myself playing them in front of millions of people. I always imagine myself on stage when I write my songs. “So taking that energy from…

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15 international fashion designers and 11 top models from 13 different countries including Belgium, Denmark, Nigeria, South Africa, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Zambia, Namibia, DRC and Malawi, are expected to showcase in Malawi on 2nd June at Bingu International Conference Centre (BICC), Amphitheatre in Lilongwee during a big International fashion and lifestyle event, ‘Mzinda Lifestyle ‘ The event intends to define a true cosmopolitan lifestyle of a modern Africa, will feature a variety of lifestyle activities including Face painting, Music, Poetry, Free Market, Art Exhibition, and Business Exchange Programs.Tickets are for early birds are being sold at 10 000.00 kwacha, 15…

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Malawi’s eldest citizen, Stivelia Khalamba of Thyolo, Thekerani, has passed away at the age of 111. She leaves behind a vast family network, including over 200 children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren. In a poignant testament to her remarkable life, her family has chosen to view the funeral not as a time for sorrow, but as an opportunity to honor and celebrate the life that God graciously bestowed upon her. Rest in peace, Gogo Stivelia. May your soul find eternal tranquility. 🕊️( 1913-2024 )

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Mzimayi amene adaba mwana wina ku Chirimba wagwidwa lero ku m’mawa ku Lunzu ndi mwanayo atamuveka dzovala zina. Atakwenyedwa nkufunsidwa kuti anabelanji mwanayo akusintha sintha ma statement ndipo poyilumikiza nkhani, zikuoneka kuti mayiyu adakhalapo ndi mimba ndipo adapanga miscarriage. Koma atapanga miscarriage sadamuwuze mamuna wake amene amakhala kutali moti adamunamiza kuti mwanayo wabadwadi. Ndiye iyeyo adaba mwanayo ndicholinga choti adzakamuonetse mamunayo kuti mwana uja ndi uyu ncholinga choti adzipeleka chithandizo. Atafika kwa mamunayo adafotokoza kuti anawo adabadwa mapasa ndipo m’modzi adamwalila ndipo adatsalayu amangomumwetsa enjoy ndipo samuyamwitsa popeza zimamupatsa maganizo a winayo akati amuyamwitse. Pakadali pano mayiyu wamangidwa ndipo ali…

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Oyimba, Afana Ceez ndi team yake, KingPin, akayendela Kasenjere Primary school mu boma la Neno komwe athandiza ophunzira a standard 8 omwe akukhalira pa sukulu pomwepo (self boarding). Mothandizana ndi aMfumu komaso Aphunzitsi, ana ophunzila pa sukulupo apatsidwa zipangizo zowathandiza pa maphunziro atsiku ndi tsiku Ana a Standard 8 athandizidwa ndi makope, mapensulo komaso ndiwo(self boarding). Kuonjezera apo, ophunzira a standard 1 mpaka 7 apatsidwa makope ndi zolembera. Iyi ndi project yomwe oyimbayu wangoyiyamba kumene ndipo akhala akufikira ma school angapo kuma rural ngati njila yolimbikitsa ana ophunzila kuti tsogolo lili mu sukulu ndipo akamaona oyimbawa pama tv ambiri amakhalanso…

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Globally, the world has been on a streak of floods as water bodies continues to rise, causing havoc in different areas.To begin with, chaos ensued in the United Arab Emirates after the county witnessed the heaviest rainfall in 75 years with some areas recording more than 250mm(around 10 inches) of precipitation on fewer than 24 hours.Similarly, in Oman atleast 18 were killed in flash floods triggered by heavy rains, the casualties included school children.To add on, Tanzania recorded 58 of peope dead in the last two weeks due to heavy rains which led to flooding.Malawi has not been spared as…

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Daniel Ekali Kwizombe of Dek Engineering and electrical contractors is set to launch their product, Eka-Lite LED Bulb as it has been certified by regulatory bodies.The product will be launched on 29th May at Golden Peacock( Lilongwe). According to Dek Engineering, the bulb has these advantages; They can be recycled, Energy efficient lighting ; the LED bulbs are designed to provide exceptional brightness while consuming significantly less energy comparing to other bulbsFurthermore, they have long lasting performance; the bulbs are build to last reducing the huddle and cost of frequent replacement.To add on, they have superior illumination; the Eka-lite LED…

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In a devastating turn of events, a young Ghanaian entrepreneur known only as Sam has died under mysterious circumstances, allegedly due to poisoning during a celebration for the opening of her new beauty parlor. Sam, who recently launched her beauty shop, hosted a grand opening party attended by numerous friends and acquaintances. According to reports, the joyful occasion was marred by underlying jealousy, leading to a sinister plot against her. Tragically, she passed away soon after the celebration, sparking rumors and speculation about the cause of her death. The local police are investigating the incident as a potential case of…

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AS Roma defender Evan Ndicka is currently safe and out of danger after his heart scare. Reports says, he’s feeling well and in good spirits but also conscious, with the squad set to return to Roma shortly.AS Roma defender Evan Ndicka collapsed on the field in the second half of their Serie A match at Udinese yesterday and had to be taken off on a stretcher, with the match suspended. The score was 1-1 when the Ivory Coast international fell backwards onto the pitch 18 minutes from time. Ndicka was conscious but clearly in pain, rubbing his chest with his…

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